I haven't cried you, and I haven't let myself miss you; mostly because of being afraid of realizing how much you meant to me and how much I need you to tell me that everything will be OK the way you always told me with that unbreakable confidence.
You were my second mother, my sister, but most than anything, you were my friend, a lot more than I was to you.
The only stranger that ever crossed my path not needing anything from me, but instead gave me so much. So much I can't even begin to describe the void, and the darkness in which I find myself now.
We built so much for so many people and we realized so many dreams. We traveled the world and you gave me tools to grow and succeed in my professional life.
I still describe you as the most difficult person to deal with, and I lost count of how many times I referred to you as my Karma. God only knows how many times we fought, and how many times we were ready to kill each other.
I do miss you my friend, and I'm crying you like a little baby, and I hate this life for having taking you away from us, and I wish I was reading one of your tough love emails right now as opposed to my empty inbox.
As I sit alone, broken into little pieces and desperately trying to put myself together I can't help but wish you were still around shaking this boring world and telling me how we were going to conquer the universe.
You always said we were building a solution not only for this world, but but the whole universe, and you had this dream of being in the moon one day. I do hope with all my heart that you stopped by on your way to heaven.